DFS results for Doropo gold project in Côte d’Ivoire released

The definitive feasibility study (DFS) results for the Doropo gold project in Côte d’Ivoire have been released. Centamin issued the report highlighting a commercially viable mine with robust economics.
The total construction capital expenditure is projected at $373 million, a modest increase of less than 7% from the 2023 prefeasibility study (PFS). The mining and processing operations remain consistent with the PFS projections.
Centamin’s CEO, Martin Horgan, emphasized that the DFS results meet the company’s investment criteria, demonstrating a robust project. The Doropo project has probable mineral reserves of 1.88 million oz. at an average grade of 1.53 grams per tonne of gold.
Social impacts
Notably, the DFS has reconfigured the project to significantly reduce social impacts, decreasing the need for community resettlement from 2,000-3,000 people (as estimated in the PFS) to fewer than 500 people. Importantly, no resettlement will be required during the construction period and the first two years of commercial operations.
The project spans seven exploration permits over approximately 1,850 km². Since starting work in 2016, Centamin has established a gold resource base of 3.1 million oz. grading 1.26 g/t. An environmental permit was granted last month following the submission of an impact assessment in Q1 2024. This permit and the DFS will support the mining licence application, expected to be submitted in Q3 2024. A final investment decision will follow the award of the mining licence. If approved, Doropo will become Centamin’s second producing asset after the Sukari mine in Egypt.