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Termite mound sampling program on Karita Gold Project in Guinea completed

Termite mound sampling program on Karita Gold Project in Guinea has been completed. Alma Gold Inc. revealed the report and said a total of 4,505 termite mound samples and 31 rock samples were collected on a 50 m x 800 m grid to cover interpreted fault structures within the Birimian-aged rocks on Exploration Permits 2258, 6150, and 6159.

The termite mound and rock samples are currently being processed and analysed for gold by Bureau Veritas, an independent assay laboratory with locations throughout Africa using fire assay fusion/atomic absorption assay methods resulting in a detection limit of 5 ppb gold on a 50 g fraction of the pulverised sample.

The field work was carried out by consultants from Touba Mining of Bamako, Mali with the assistance of the Company’s Guinean country manager and geologist, Lamine Camara. All termite mound and rock samples were collected, securely transported, and processed using the Company’s strict QAQC protocols. The assay results from the Karita termite mound and rock sampling program will be released once all the results have been received from the laboratory within the next few weeks.

Karita Gold Project

Karita is approximately 392.1 km2 in size and located within the Birimian-aged rocks of Guinea, West Africa, just west of the Senegal-Mali Shear Zone (SMSZ). Karita is comprised of four Exploration Permits located immediately adjacent to IAMGOLD’s newly discovered Karita gold deposit. No prior exploration using modern techniques has occurred on these four exploration permits.

Southwest-trending second order fault structures extending off the SMSZ continue to produce gold mines and new discoveries in Senegal and these structures are inferred to extend south into northern Guinea where Karita is located. Previous reconnaissance prospecting programs completed by Alma Gold in 2021 have identified Birimian rocks at Karita, which are currently being explored through additional prospecting, rock sampling, and the regional termite mound sampling program.

Alma Gold Inc. is a gold-focused exploration company based in Bedford, Nova Scotia. Alma Gold Inc. through its subsidiary Karita Gold Corp. is exploring the Karita Gold Project in northern Guinea, and owns the Clarence Stream North Gold Project, in southwest New Brunswick, Canada.

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