
Nigeria launches new operatives into its mining marshals

Nigeria has recently taken a significant step in its ongoing efforts to reform the mining sector by inaugurating 350 new operatives into its mining marshals. This move underscores the federal government’s dedication to combating illegal mining and improving the operational effectiveness of the mining sector.

With the addition of these 350 new operatives, the total number of mining marshals deployed nationwide now stands at 2,570. The inauguration ceremony took place at the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) headquarters during a Passing Out Parade. Dr. Dele Alake, the Minister of Solid Minerals Development, was represented by the Permanent Secretary, Dr. Mary Ogbe.

Dr. Alake commended the collaborative efforts between the Ministry of Solid Minerals Development and the Ministry of Interior. He specifically acknowledged the contributions of Dr. Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo and the NSCDC in addressing the challenges posed by illegal mining activities.

Reforming the mining sector

Dr. Alake highlighted the achievements of the mining marshals. He noted that their efforts have notably reduced illegal mineral haulage and the activities of unlicensed operators across the country. The initiative to strengthen the mining marshals began with the inauguration of the first batch of 2,220 operatives. Since then, significant progress has been made, including the arrest of over 200 illegal mining suspects, with 133 prosecutions currently in progress. Additionally, confiscated illegally mined minerals have been forfeited to the federal government.

Dr. Alake emphasized that the inclusion of the second batch of operatives would further enhance the reach and efficiency of the mining marshals. This is expected to lead to better sector sanitization, increased investor confidence, and subsequently, more investments and development within the mining industry.

Dr. Abubakar Audi, the NSCDC Commandant-General, provided insights into the preparation of the new operatives. They underwent an intensive 8-week training program designed to equip them with the necessary skills to bolster the efforts against illegal mining across the nation.

Addressing the new marshals, Minister of Interior Dr. Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo reiterated the importance of the ongoing collaboration between the Ministry of Solid Minerals Development and the Ministry of Interior. He stressed the necessity of continuous training and deployment to ensure comprehensive coverage of Nigeria’s extensive mining areas. Dr. Tunji-Ojo praised the progress achieved so far and highlighted the need for sustained efforts to protect the mining sector and maximize the economic benefits of the country’s solid minerals.


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